What time and where are your services?

We meet Sundays at 10:15 a.m. at 900 N. State St. in Freeburg, IL. Get directions here.

What should I wear?

Just be comfy! If you're most comfortable in a tie, wear one. If you'd rather subject yourself to a week's worth of middle school lunches than wear a tie, wear a t-shirt instead. Jeans. Skirts. Shorts. Whatever.

What are your services like?

You can expect a relevant, engaging, and inspiring worship experience with prayer, scripture, music, and a message that you can apply to your day-to-day life. Our services are warm and informal, and our Journey Praise Band leads us in contemporary music.

Can I bring my kids?

Yes, please! It's beautiful to see families worship together.

Is there anything for my teenager?

We encourage teens to attend worship with their families on Sunday, and we offer opportunities for study, service, and hanging out!

What denomination is Journey Church?

Journey Church is a United Methodist congregation.